Friday, February 20, 2009

Who knew web 2.0 would lead to cataloguing parties!!?

I was just poking around inside LibraryThing and came across the following post announcing a flash-mob cataloging party.

Apparently the first-ever catalog flash-mob was held back in November when a group of 20 people (librarians? library school students?) converged on St. John's Church in Beverly, MA to catalogue over 2000 items in a church library using LibraryThing!

I created a LibraryThing account back in July. Unfortunately, an email address was not mandatory and for some reason I did not provide one, so I was not able to retrieve my forgotten username and password. I eventually struck the right combination and was able to access my original account, which I had set up for orchid blogging purposes. So far I only have 2 books in my LibraryThing collection.

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